Thank you for your time. And you can thank me for mine.
“One only meets each hour or moment that comes. All manners of ups and downs. Many bad spots in our best times, many good ones in our worst. One never gets the total impact of what we call 'the thing itself'. But we call it wrongly. The thing itself is simply all these ups and downs: the rest is a name or an idea.”
from "A Grief Observed" by C.S. Lewis
I'm even confused what language to write in. Aber das passt ja. Ich bin irgendwo dazwischen. Maybe the truth lies in-between languages, in the nooks and crannies between what we are able to express through words. Because it's a process, not a state. Feelings are rough. They are not polished and shiny and clear. They have edges and cracks und Missformungen. Angst und Überheblichkeit. Most of all, they are often ambiguous. Braucht es denn für jedes Gefühl ein Gegengefühl? Trauer versus Glück. Sicherheit versus Unsicherheit. Energie versus Müdigkeit. So irgendwie? Vermutlich gibt es solche Gegensätze gar nicht. Das kann man ja nicht ausmessen, so geometrisch meine ich, eine Emotion. Und ihr Gegenstück genauso wenig. Embracing the ambiguity and ambivalence of our fragile feelings may embolden us to feel them more consciously and strongly. And honestly. Sehnsucht und Müdigkeit. We don't want to name them. We don't attempt to meet "the thing itself". Panik und Hunger. We enjoy floating in ambiguity. Sexualität und suizidale Gefühle. Eine Reise, eine Suche. Nicht ankommen. Noch nicht. We want to meet an hour, a moment. Quite simply, capture the ups and downs– forget the name or the idea.
Arienne & Pascale Birchler
Delphine Chapuis-Schmitz
Balz Isler
Luc Mattenberger
Julian Meding & Tanja Pippi
Michael Meier & Christoph Franz
Leila Peacock
Tim Wandelt
Vernissage Freitag 13.11. ab 18 Uhr
Finissage Samstag 28.11. ab 17 Uhr
Offen: Donnerstags & Freitags 18 - 21 Uhr, Samstags 17 - 20 Uhr, Sonntag 15.11., 17 - 20 Uhr
Freitag 13.11., 19 Uhr:
Julian Meding und Tanja Pippi
Sonntag 15.11., 18 Uhr:
Balz Isler